I’m now a Microsoft Learn Expert
So pleased to announce that I’m now a Microsoft Learn Expert in the Microsoft Learn Community. 🚀🚀
Here is Microsoft’s definition of a Learn Expert:
The Microsoft Learn Community experiences are supported by technical subject matter experts, which are present throughout the community resources based on their area of expertise. Connect with this worldwide network of experts who have technical and training experience, are passionate about the community, and can offer unique knowledge to help you achieve your skilling goals.
I have been involved in the Microsoft community especially SharePoint, since 2007, and I am trying to share my knowledge and experiences through blogging, speaking in webinars and conferences, and organizing User Groups.
As a Microsoft Learn Expert, I will help you to level-up your learning and guide your path to Microsoft certification in Microsoft Learn Community.
Microsoft Learn is introducing Learning Rooms, a new way to take your learning journey to the next level. So, depending on the product and language, you can join one of the Microsoft’s Learning Rooms and communicate with the Learn Experts. 😊
Learning room which I am working with is Microsoft Farsi Community (in Farsi language) and you can request to join through the following link:
#MicrosoftLearn, #learntogether, #learnexpert, #MicrosoftCertification, #AlwaysLearning
SharingIsCaring! 🤞