Monthly Archives: October 2023

I’m now a Microsoft Learn Expert
So pleased to announce that I’m now a Microsoft Learn Expert in the Microsoft Learn Community. 🚀🚀 Here is Microsoft’s definition of a Learn Expert: The Microsoft Learn Community experiences are supported by technical subject matter experts, which are present throughout the community resources based on their area of expertise. Connect with this worldwide network…

Microsoft Syntex: Enablement, Model Types and Licensing
Microsoft Syntex is Microsoft’s AI-based tool that promises to revolutionize the way organizations manage content and information. With its advanced capabilities in content understanding, classification, and automation, Syntex enables businesses to extract valuable insights from their data and streamline their processes. In this article, we will explore how you can enable the power of Microsoft…

I am speaking about Microsoft Syntex at MSFarsi Talk
It was around early September when I got to know Hamid (Microsoft MVP) and Mohsen. Considering my experience in founding and managing the Persian SharePoint Community and also my interest in the Microsoft community, I joined the Microsoft Farsi team as a co-organizer and speaker. MSFarsi is a Microsoft Learn official group that supports by…

Microsoft 365 Services Map
As you may know, Microsoft recently added new products and services to the Microsoft 365 Ecosystem such as Fabric, Viva products, etc… . For a long time, I was thinking about how to show these products and services in one shot. Because many people ask me what services Microsoft 365 offers and what products are…